Nottingham-based pre-clinical contract research organisation, Platelet Services, has reported another successful year as it celebrates its fourth anniversary.
Platelet Services offers an array of standard and customised platelet testing assays to determine the effect of compounds on platelet function. Working with both small drug discovery companies and large pharmaceutical corporations, Platelet Services offers comprehensive expertise and support in drug discovery and development where platelet function testing is required.
Founded in 2018, Platelet Services has seen year-on-year growth as global demand rises for the company’s core platelet function testing offering, reporting a 60% increase in turnover over the past twelve months.
Earlier this year, the company doubled its lab space at BioCity in Nottingham, in response to the increase in client projects. The space continues to provide the team with greater capacity and flexibility and has helped to drive greater efficiencies including a reduction in the cycle time from agreeing a package of work with a client to the delivery of results.
The company also bolstered the team with the appointment of Dr Paul Cato as senior research scientist back in March.
Natalia Dovlatova, CEO, says: “The company has come a long way over the past four years. During 2022, we have focused on consolidating the team and our core services and are now in a good place to expand our offering both in terms of capacity and flexibility.
“We have been tapping into an ever-improving understanding of client types and needs, and team capabilities, which is helping us to expand what we can offer in terms of capacity, flexibility and new assays.
“Looking ahead to 2023, we are anticipating more of the same and have a strong pipeline, with increased demand from overseas. Our focus is also to provide thought leadership and highlight the importance of platelet function testing in drug discovery projects and target safety assessment.”