While discussions continue with those interested in buying parts of wilko, the business’s administrators have now said it is “clear that no viable offer structure put forward includes the group in its entirety.”
According to PwC it has therefore been necessary to assess the roles required in wilko’s Support Centre in Worksop and distribution centres in Worksop and Newport. It means 269 Support Centre team member roles will be made redundant, effective from close of business on Monday 4 September – with further redundancies across the two distribution centres from early next week (exact numbers to be confirmed).
Furthermore, no viable offers have been received for Kin Limited (Kin), a subsidiary of Wilkinson Hardware Stores Ltd (WHSL). As such, the company has had to close, resulting in the redundancies of its 14 employees – effective from close of business on Monday 4 September.
The administration’s dedicated employee team will continue to work with HR and payroll to provide support to team members, including assisting in the statutory redundancy claims process with the Redundancy Payments Service.
A dedicated helpline also remains in place to ensure employees can address queries they have regarding the process, and company support systems with access to further advice and resources remain active.
The administrators say they will continue to liaise closely with the government, agencies, unions and large employers to help create avenues to further employment opportunities for affected staff.
Jane Steer, joint administrator, said: “It’s with great sadness that we announce these redundancies. We’re incredibly grateful to these team members for the support and dedication they’ve shown to the company, particularly over the last few very difficult weeks.
“We will continue to do all that we can to support staff through this period of difficult upheaval, and to maximise their opportunities for a rapid return to work. Our priority is to ensure that all team members affected by redundancy are assisted in processing their claims with immediate effect.
“We will be circulating correspondence to all staff as soon as possible which will outline the support available to complete redundancy payment forms. Advice and assistance will also be available from Job Centre Plus and other agencies.”
All stores are currently trading and remain open.