Thursday, June 27, 2024

New chair appointed to Leicester and Leicestershire Business Board

Andy Reed OBE has been appointed to chair a new Business Board tasked with helping to shape economic strategy in Leicester and Leicestershire.

The Leicester and Leicestershire Business Board will bring senior public and private sector leaders together to consider matters relating to growth in the city and county.

The Business Board is a key part of the new Leicester and Leicestershire Business and Skills Partnership led by Leicester City Council and Leicestershire County Council.

The Leader of the County Council and the City Mayor have appointed Mr Reed, the former Chair of the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP), as the Business Board’s first Chair.

Mr Reed brings substantial relevant experience, and his appointment provides continuity in business and stakeholder advice to the city and county councils.

The purpose of the Business Board is to boost skills and growth by building the local business voice into delivery of economic strategy.

The Board is a key component of the Business and Skills Partnership, which will have input into functions including the Business Gateway Growth Hub and the Careers Hub.

Mr Reed said: “It’s so important that the voice of business is available to local authority leaders as they form growth policy in our city and county.

“The Leicester and Leicestershire Business Board will provide input from businesses of all sizes during decision-making, working with our elected leaders to inform broad economic strategy.”

Introduction of the Business Board comes after the Government ceased funding for local enterprise partnerships (LEPs) nationwide at the end of March.

Work has since continued behind the scenes to develop the new Business and Skills Partnership and associated Business Board.

Cllr Nick Rushton, Leicestershire County Council Leader, welcomed Government sign-off for the new Business and Skills Partnership, adding: “I’m delighted that Andy has agreed to chair the new Business Board and am keen that we get the new arrangements up and running as soon as possible.”

Sir Peter Soulsby, Leicester Elected Mayor, said: “Building a strong business voice into the development and delivery of our economic strategy is very important and we look forward to working alongside Andy as we establish the new Business Board.”

Work is now underway to recruit Board members. The first meeting is expected to be held later this year. Subsequent meetings are expected to be held every two months in and around Leicester and Leicestershire.

Members are set to serve a three-year term, which may then be extended by a further three years.

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