To support the continued recovery of the local economy, Derbyshire Dales District Council proposes to utilise its remaining COVID Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) allocation to help small and micro-businesses to adapt, diversify and improve resilience post COVID.
Priority will be given to businesses operating from business premises and employing staff in order to assist longer term economic recovery. Applications from businesses with growth plans curtailed as a result of COVID restrictions will also be considered.
Applicants should show that investment will contribute to one or more of the following: increase turnover, enhance productivity, enable diversification/expansion into different products or services, improve efficiency or safeguard/create new jobs.
Businesses in manufacturing, engineering and knowledge based/creative and digital sectors are particularly encouraged to apply.
Grant support at 50% of eligible project costs up to a maximum of £20,000 will be considered for projects costing more than £10,000 and up to £40,000 (excluding recoverable VAT).
Larger projects may be considered in exceptional cases. Eligible costs include: new equipment, machinery or technology; specialist consultancy; or expenditure to reduce the carbon footprint of the business.
Applicants must be able to complete their investment and claim the grant by 28 February 2022 latest.
Three quotes are required for items of expenditure over £1,000. These must be submitted online as part of the application.
Applications are to be submitted online before 5pm on 15 November 2021.