Plans for a food processing facility in Easton, Lincolnshire, have been approved by South Kesteven District Council.
The application site, off Burton Lane, forms part of the existing Magnavale Group and XPO Logistics site which comprises of a number of storage and distribution warehouses and ancillary offices, providing cold storage for frozen food products.
The buildings were developed in the late 1960s, and the site is best known locally for being previously operated by Christian Salvesen Limited. Various buildings have been updated over the 50-60 years of operation, with a new coldstore food warehouse under construction.
The proposed development site for the food processing facility consists of an area of vacant, brownfield land, which previously contained a warehouse building.
The processing facility, which will have a total footprint of 18,630 sq m, will operate alongside the other coldstores on site, which will be utilised for storing the raw materials and the final product.
It will bring new life to the former McCain’s factory site.
Easton Properties Limited, part of the Sadel Group, is behind the plans. The Sadel Group has plans for the whole brownfield site to operate as a hub for controlled-temperature storage of both raw materials and finished product, reducing food miles.
Further, the group plans to develop an anaerobic digester plant in the northern part of the site area to produce renewable energy to feed the cold storage plants.