Saturday, June 29, 2024

Expert energy advice helps Bassetlaw businesses cut carbon emissions

Bassetlaw District Council is offering micro and small businesses the chance to get expert energy advice on how to cut their carbon footprint.

Businesses are being invited to apply for an energy audit, which will help them become more sustainable and could identify financial savings.

During the first year of the project, nearly 40 businesses have been audited by Mitie Plan Zero, with 16 going on to successfully apply for decarbonisation grants of up to £5k from the Council.

These grants support the costs of implementing energy efficiency and carbon reduction measures.

Matthew Hutton, Climate Change Officer at Bassetlaw District Council, said: “These Decarbonisation grants are making a real difference to businesses as they look to reduce their carbon footprint and make cost savings.

“I would encourage other businesses across the district to sign up to the energy audit to see what measures they could introduce to improve their energy efficiency.”

So far, the works have saved 14.2 tonnes of CO2 equivalent from being emitted a year – that’s the same as the average emissions of a return flight from Paris to New York for 14 passengers.

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