First phase at Nottingham trade park fully let

The first phase of trade counter units at the Teal Trade Park scheme in Nottingham is now fully let with a line up which includes Screwfix, Howdens, Tool Station, Trent Valley Windows, Trent Vehicle Charging and PaintWell. The final two units on the scheme are now under offer with details to be revealed shortly. The second phase of the scheme is set to be completed in April 2022 and three of the units have already been pre-let. The Teal Park scheme comprises two terraces of trade counter units which have prominence to the Colwick Loop Road and sits adjacent to the Persimmon Housing development which is due to deliver some 800 houses surrounding the scheme, alongside a new school, care home and Aldi Supermarket. The completion of the Gedling Relief Road is anticipated for Spring 2022 which provides further accessibility to this location which will effectively form the eastern loop road of Nottingham. Further units are set to be delivered in the Summer of 2022 where FHP and Phillips Sutton, acting on behalf of Northwood Urban Logistics, will be offering units from 9,000ft² to 35,000ft² for further trade, warehouse and industrial occupiers. Iain Taylor, director at Northwood Investors, said: “We are very excited to have made our recent acquisition of Teal Park at a time when there is chronic lack of supply in the area. Teal Park is able to cater to a wide range of occupiers who will be able to adapt the units for a variety of uses.” Mark Tomlinson, director at FHP, said: “We are delighted to have put together such a strong trade line up for this scheme within weeks of practical completion of the first phase and we look forward to working with further Tenants on the scheme in the early part of next year. “With the amount of development going on in this locality and the new housing being delivered in the immediate location it isn’t surprising that we have brought forward such good levels of interest in the scheme to date.” Brodie Faint of Phillips Sutton said: “We are very pleased to see the quality of occupier that the scheme has attracted, especially as we have been involved with this site from the initial acquisition. It is testament to the strength of the area, with new housing schemes, road infrastructure and now Teal Park contributing. “With limited supply in Nottingham and the surrounding areas, we look forward to securing further complementary occupiers for the second phase which will be completed in April 2022.”

Innovative new skills research

Employer call to action to support innovative new skills research with new pilot being launched along side the East Midlands Chamber of Commerce. For the purpose of this pilot we are seeking businesses in the following sectors to participate: Are you a manufacturing, logistics or sport & physical activity, employer based in #Leicester or #Leicestershire? We want to hear from a range of people including frontline staff, operations and support staff, team leaders, managers, HR departments or learning and development professionals. Working across the Leicester and Leicestershire area, the East Midlands Chamber and other partners are looking for employers of all sizes to support a data gathering project to help to share the future of skills training in the region. This is part of the government funded Local Skills Improvement Plan – one of just eight pilot projects taking place around the UK, putting local employers at the centre of skills provision, building stronger links with local colleges and training providers. The success of this initiative is dependent on the willingness of employers to engage and participate in the completion of data gathering and workshop activity. It will just take a couple of minutes of your time each day to take part, and you’ll be helping to make technical skills training more responsive to the needs of employers in our area. If you’re interested in finding out more then we’d love to hear from you – please email for more details! Chamber website link: Leicestershire Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) – East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire) (

Manufacturing activity strengthens, but stock adequacy hits another record low

UK manufacturing output growth in the quarter to December accelerated to its fastest pace since July, according to the latest monthly CBI Industrial Trends Survey. The survey of 258 manufacturing firms saw output increasing in 15 out of 17 sub-sectors, with growth being mostly driven by the food, drink & tobacco and motor vehicles & transport equipment sub-sectors. Total order books in December were judged to be ‘above normal’ to a similar extent to last month’s record high, while export orders were rated as broadly ‘normal’. However, manufacturers’ inventory positions deteriorated further in December, with stock adequacy of finished goods worsening to a new record-low position for the second month in a row. Respondents also said they expect price pressures to remain acute in the next three months. Anna Leach, CBI deputy chief economist, said: “UK manufacturing demand remains strong, and output accelerated to meet this demand in December. However, behind the scenes, firms are battling pressures on a number of fronts. “Stock adequacy of finished goods worsened to an all-time low for the second month in a row, and continued expectations for sharp price growth are a further challenge for the sector. “The spread of the Omicron variant will have been a blow to business confidence. However, firms will welcome the Government’s decision to move from isolation to testing as a method of controlling the virus without unduly impacting their ability to operate.” Tom Crotty, group director at INEOS and chair of the CBI Manufacturing Council, said: “While it is positive that manufacturing activity has remained strong, we have also seen a further worsening in stock adequacy of finished goods. At a time of continuing global supply chain difficulties, labour shortages and material shortages, the government should seek longer-term solutions that promote growth and investment in UK manufacturing. “On Covid-19, the government must offer clear guidance in good time for manufacturers to continue operating safely as the country grapples with the Omicron emergency.”

Senior associate at Ashby property consultancy voted Midlands chair of key industry association

A senior associate at a property consultancy has been voted Midland’s chair of a key pipeline industry association. Jenny Occleshaw, of Fisher German, has become the Midlands chair of the Pipeline Industries Guild (PIG), the only association worldwide to cater directly for the needs of the pipeline industry. She was voted in at the association’s regional AGM, succeeding Rachel Bridge, also of Fisher German. Jenny joined Midlands PIG in November 2015 as part of its Professional Development Network (PDN) for young professionals, becoming chair in 2019, before moving up to the main branch committee in 2020 as deputy chair and secretary. She is set to focus on sustainability and achieving net zero during her tenure as chair, looking at how innovation, new technologies and sharing best practice can help achieve sustainability across the pipeline industry. Jenny is an integral part of the infrastructure and sustainable energy planning team at Fisher German, and is based at the firm’s Ashby office, providing planning advice to corporate and private clients working in water, waste, gas, electricity and sustainable energy. She said: “I am very pleased to be voted in as chair at what is an extremely exciting time for the industry. “Fisher German has a strong connection with the Guild, with Rachel as outgoing Midlands Chair, planner Antonia Wyatt as the current PDN chair, and a number of PIG members across the firm. “As we look forward to the net zero targets there needs to be a shift towards new ways of working in the pipeline industry to ensure there is sustainability throughout the supply chain and at every stage of a development. “This includes everything from the materials we use to ensuring that the project itself is sustainable, taking into consideration new regulations around biodiversity net gain. “We need to adapt across all areas and make use of new technologies and innovations to achieve net zero targets. “The Guild is a fantastic platform for sharing knowledge, and I will be facilitating events and networking opportunities to ensure members can share ideas and best practice across their different disciplines. “I am really looking forward to my new role and collaborating with members as we all work towards the same sustainability goals.”

Dates announced for Leicestershire Innovation Festival 2022

Following on from the success of Innovation Week in June this year, dates have been announced for 2022 with the focus on innovation due to spread across a fortnight to accommodate the wide range of events. It has been announced that Leicestershire Innovation Festival will run from Monday, 14 February to Friday, 25 February 2022. The celebration of solving problems by thinking differently will be launched officially with an event at Space Park Leicester on Valentine’s Day and continue until Innovation Friday 12 days later. The Innovation Awards will take place on Thursday 24 February. Dr Nik Kotecha OBE, Chair of Leicester Innovation Board, explained: “There are so many innovative ideas and projects in Leicestershire, which simply won’t all fit into five days.  Last time we found that some events were competing against each other, so this year we would like our audience to have the opportunity and flexibility to see everything to be inspired to create their own innovation culture within their businesses. “For the Innovation Festival we are inviting anyone who wants to share their innovations to organise an event and we will support by adding it to the official calendar and publicising it through the Business Gateway website and partners. This is a great opportunity for Leicestershire businesses to showcase their successes to a very wide and influential audience.” The Innovation Festival is a partnership between Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership, Leicestershire’s three universities, Innovate UK Edge, Midlands Engine and the Business Gateway. Sonia Baigent, Chair of the Business Gateway Board, added: “The launch event at Space Park Leicester will be focused specifically on encouraging innovation in our Manufacturing sector. However, during the Festival we expect to see innovation highlighted in lots of different sectors and applications such as automotive, food and drink, textiles, medicine, and lots more. Every business – big and small – benefits from innovation, and that’s part of our message.” Any organisation that would like to organise an event for the Innovation Festival should email before Christmas. Further information will be published shortly on the innovation pages of the Business Gateway website:

Agency MD reacts to impact of interest rate rise and outlook for 2022


Purpose Media Managing Director, Matt Wheatcroft, reflects on the impact of the interest rate rise and looks ahead with some useful insights for 2022.

When asked what they think about the current economic and political landscape there are no doubt plenty of business owners saying “it’s tough” – except most are probably using a much stronger expletive instead of ‘tough!’ The rise in mortgage interest rates is already leading to a more cautious approach from banks towards borrowing and credit limits which in turn will impact both commercial and personal customer spending. Couple this with the stresses of the employment market and the clouds of perfect storm are already forming. Problems getting staff for roles in retail, logistics, food and drink and healthcare have been repeatedly highlighted, but the same issues are happening within the marketing profession as businesses battle to retain customers and market share. The demand for people with specialist digital marketing skills and experience and the salaries being offered has gone sky high – in fact, it’s gone to another galaxy! Companies which had already embraced digital marketing strategies within their marketing toolkit wanted more – and those who previously thought them unnecessary realised that lockdowns, store closures and people working from home required radical changes to their marketing approach. Businesses have been forced to make changes in order to counteract the loss of in-store and face to face interactions and the brand profile lost from traditional sponsorship or advertising at empty venues. Those affected have simply had to embrace the use of websites to sell online or offer click and collect services, as well as use email marketing, social media and digital PR in order to communicate with customers. Consequently, the battle for talent to meet this demand means that not a day goes by when marketing agency bosses don’t hear reports of a team member getting a call from a head hunter. If the combination of these dynamics adds to the likelihood of inflation (which I think it will), I fear there is a risk is that employees who jumped ship for inflated salaries might find themselves the first casualty when their new employer looks to rationalise their overheads – regardless of industry sector. So my advice to those looking to jump ship is to really consider if the grass really is greener on the other side? Would it be a better long term option to show a little bit of loyalty and stand by your current employer – particularly if they’ve treated you fairly over two of the worse years you will probably ever have experienced. As a business our saving grace has been the fact Purpose Media did everything to protect the financial and mental well-being of our staff has strengthened employee and client relationships. Also, a key part of our recruitment strategy has been to develop and nurture a good proportion of our talent by offering apprenticeships. The fact we can offer a structured career path has helped create a great place to work and lots of loyalty and many apprentices progress to be part of the senior management team. Offering these opportunities also gives me a lot of personal satisfaction as it is this generation of learners who has been most impacted by the last two years.

Digital marketing agency wins helicopter filming contract in Swiss Alps for refrigeration company


The video production team from Derbyshire-based full service digital marketing agency Purpose Media has won a contract to film and photograph the delivery by helicopter of a refrigerator to a remote location in the Swiss Alps on behalf of global commercial refrigeration company, True Manufacturing.


Over the last 4 years Purpose Media has been helping the company develop its UK and European marketing strategy and has successfully launched its new brand message and communication strategy to establish True’s ‘Passion for Cold™’. 


Day one of the contract in Switzerland involved filming True products in use in a commercial bakery, a commercial kitchen and a busy restaurant. The final day of the project involved filming and photographing the delivery of a refrigerator by helicopter to a restaurant in a remote location in the Alps.  


Olga Beck, Marketing Manager EMEA at True Refrigeration, said: “The team at Purpose Media went above and beyond for us and we cannot thank them enough for their hard work across two intensive days. They project managed their time perfectly to scope out the scene and plan each day’s filming. The finished film and photography is something quite extraordinary and has certainly helped to demonstrate True’s ‘going above and beyond’ brand values.” 


Claudio Davanzo, Creative Director at Purpose Media, said: “This was an incredible experience for the team. We’ve gone from working next door to the Peak District to filming in the Swiss Alps. There were challenges with the weather, but the team managed to get the shots they needed, and I’m pleased to say the end product is a triumph. Our team have certainly shown their versatility on this project.”

Nottinghamshire funeral firm unveils £350,000 plan to transform Eastwood’s historic police station

A Nottinghamshire funeral firm will soon be able to host services in its own purpose-built chapel thanks to an ambitious £350,000 renovation scheme that will give a town’s 19th Century police station a brand-new purpose. Gillotts Funeral Directors has unveiled its plans to create a 20-seat chapel alongside a number of other new facilities on the ground floor of the building in Eastwood, which was built to serve the town in 1878 but has stood empty for more than four years. The company, which is based next door in Nottingham Road, bought the police station three years ago and was recently granted permission by Broxtowe Borough Council to carry out a conversion which will ensure the building continues to perform a community function. Under the plans, Gillotts will create multi-purpose spaces, including three chapels of rest, one of which will be large enough to hold intimate funeral ceremonies when only a small number of attendees are expected. There will also be facilities for families to prepare their loved ones for burial or cremation themselves, which is an important requirement of certain faiths. An existing vehicle entrance between Gillotts’ current premises and the police station will be filled in and converted into a reception area, and the existing funeral home will be renovated to include two family rooms and more office space. The expansion of the Eastwood site is also necessary because of its role as the headquarters for the wider Gillotts group, which also operates funeral homes in Kimberley, Selston, Heanor and Stapleford. Clients from any of its funeral homes will be able to make use of the new facilities. Joanne Hutsby, a partner in Gillotts, says that the police station conversion is three years in the making and will follow other ambitious schemes to convert community buildings that the company has undertaken. This includes a successful £300,000 renovation of the ground floor of the former United Methodist Free Church chapel in Main Street, Kimberley, which was turned into a funeral home six years ago, and the conversion of Selston’s former police station five years ago. She said: “Eastwood Police station is a part of the history of the town and so we’re really pleased to be able to announce plans which will ensure that it will soon have a role in the lives of the community again. “Changing trends and the lockdown has meant that many families prefer to have smaller, intimate funeral gatherings and our plans for a larger multi-purpose chapel will give them somewhere they can hold a service before their loved one is taken to be buried or cremated. “It’s a first for Gillotts, but it’s another sign of how we are adding new facilities to keep up with what families are looking for when they set about planning their loved ones’ funerals.” The police station, which has a more modern extension stretching around the corner into Oxford Street, was replaced in 2018 by a new station co-located with Eastwood Town Council just 150 yards away, on the site of the former Post Office.

Logistics REIT acquires duo of East Midlands properties

Urban Logistics, the specialist UK logistics REIT which recently completed a £250 million equity raise and moved to the Main Market in December, has acquired four assets, using proceeds raised, for a total consideration of £28.6 million. The value accretive assets include three immediately income-producing properties and the forward funding of a development project. Two of the properties are in the East Midlands, including a distribution depot at Elland Road, Leicester. The 27,115 sq ft site is a parcel delivery hub let to the Royal Mail Group. The purchase price paid was £3,180,000 at a NIY of 5.0%. A warehouse at Caswell Road, Northampton was also acquired. The 22,783 sq ft unit is let to Tuffnells Parcel Express until 2031. The purchase price paid was £5,600,000 at a NIY of 5.7%. The company further snapped up a warehouse facility of 117,031 sq ft near the airport in Dundee, occupied by Hermes Parcelnet, and entered into an agreement to forward fund the development of a new logistics unit in Sheffield. The agreement is subject to planning, and the development is expected to complete in November 2022, and will comprise a warehouse of 131,500 sq ft. Richard Moffitt, Chief Executive, said: “We’re pleased to confirm our continued deployment of capital following the close of our recent oversubscribed equity raise. This is testament to our team’s ability to act swiftly and reliably on deal execution. “As previously stated, we have an excellent pipeline of “last mile / last touch” logistics assets to acquire and the team will be working hard over the coming months, investing in those quality assets that will be accretive to shareholder value, with further acquisitions expected before the end of the year. “Our strategy of acquiring mid-box last mile logistics assets, in key locations, with excellent transport links has not altered since inception in 2016. We acquire properties which are key to our tenants’ operations, and we continue to create additional performance through active asset management and improved environmental performance.”

Morris Homes agreed as development partner for latest phase at Ashton Green

A housing developer has been appointed to deliver the next phase of building at a landmark regeneration site in the north of Leicester. Leicester City Council has selected Morris Homes as its development partner for the next parcel of housing development at Ashton Green – major project to create a new neighbourhood of up to 3,000 homes, along with community facilities, green space and retail. Morris Homes is one of the largest independently-owned house builders in the country and will deliver a new village centre with around 380 new homes, including 114 affordable homes, a supermarket, some smaller shops and attractive open space. The city council has agreed to sell to Morris Homes 46-acres of land across two plots bordering Ashton Green Road. This will be the third parcel of land developed for new housing at Ashton Green. Morris Homes was also the council’s development partner for the first phase of building, completing the construction of 100 new homes in late 2020. All these homes are now occupied. The new homes will be contemporary in style, similar to the first phase, and will include a mix of three, four and five-bedroom family homes and two-bedroom apartments. The homes will meet the environmental standards for Ashton Green and will also incorporate well-designed landscaping with high ecological value and sustainable urban drainage. Morris Homes aim to secure planning approval next year and will begin work on site in 2023, with the first of the new homes expected to be completed later that year. City Mayor Peter Soulsby said: “Morris Homes were the first to commit to developing at Ashton Green. Their appointment to deliver a third phase of new house building, with much-needed affordable homes, will help maintain the momentum of this vital regeneration project. “Appointing a development partner to deliver another 380 homes is an important milestone and represents significant further investment in our growing city. “The ambitious programme of house building at Ashton Green is already making a valuable contribution to the number of new homes that are needed in Leicester – and it will ultimately contribute greatly to the economic prosperity of the city. “Over the next five years, we expect to see developers invest an additional £150million at Ashton Green, and deliver more than 1,000 additional new and affordable homes.” Mike Gaskell, Chief Executive of Morris Homes, said: “We at Morris are delighted to be partnering with the city council on this important next phase at Ashton Green which will provide much needed houses and facilities to the local community. We have an excellent working relationship with the council and our shared aim is to provide an exemplar development,” Leicester City Council is the principal landowner and promoter of the Ashton Green development. It has already delivered substantial highway infrastructure improvements including new walking and cycling routes, traffic calming measures, new bus facilities at Beaumont Shopping Centre and major road building schemes. Most recently, the city council led on the delivery of a series of new spine roads to help unlock a further 40 hectares of future housing development land at Ashton Green, backed by £10million of government funding from Homes England. Construction of another 307 houses is already underway by Tilia Homes, which began work earlier this year. Some 3,000 new homes are planned in total as part of the overall development of Ashton Green, and it is expected that 30 per cent of these will be affordable homes for rent or shared ownership.