A scheme has been launched to support Charnwood businesses which are looking to reach new heights.
Charnwood’s Scale-Up programme is searching for companies which may benefit from business support to help them grow and expand.
It is being supported by the borough council using the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund and is being delivered by specialist expert advisors, Exemplas.
Each business which takes part will be thoroughly assessed on its ambition, capacity and potential for growth, and will work one-to-one with an expert advisor to draw up a bespoke growth action plan.
Cllr Jenni Tillotson, the Council’s lead member for economy development, regeneration and town centres, said: “This scheme will help businesses which have ambitions to be bigger, better and more prosperous.
“The Scale-Up programme will help local companies take that next big step into growth. By supporting businesses like this, the Council is helping to create jobs and opportunities for people in the future and continue to make Charnwood a great place to do business and invest.”
Mark Taft, the programme’s dedicated Scale-Up Advisor, said: “I take great pride in working with ambitious SMEs and am excited about working closely with Charnwood’s business community to offer support and advice they can use to scale up.”
Companies can apply to be part of the Scale-Up programme via the Leicestershire Business Advice Service.
As there are limited places available on the programme, each business will be evaluated by a panel for suitability. If successful, the Scale-Up Advisor will undertake a comprehensive diagnostic with the business to establish their priorities, compose an action plan and agree a business improvement project.
This could include a grant contribution capped at a maximum of £1,000 to use to fund an expert to help remove the company’s barrier, accelerate business growth, and scale up their business.