Businesses in South Wigston are being offered the chance to receive matched funding to help revamp their shop frontages.
High quality shop fronts are proven to attract customers to individual businesses and the high street as a whole and Oadby & Wigston Borough Council’s Shop Front Improvement Fund is designed to encourage just that.
This scheme was previously launched in 2019 and helped a number of businesses to make improvements to and smarten up their shop front. This ranged from new windows to improved signage and in some cases a simple lick of paint. By re-launching the scheme, the council is hoping more businesses will now come forward to further enhance the look and feel of the area.
Business can apply for up to £2,000 and must match the funding with their own investment into the shop frontage. The funding for the scheme comes through Section 106 contributions from other developments close by and is therefore restricted to businesses in the centre of South Wigston.
Cllr John Boyce, Leader of Oadby and Wigston Borough Council, said: “Shop fronts are important in attracting in shoppers but also in improving the look and feel of our towns. We are fortunate to have secured this funding through developer contributions and we want to see the maximum benefit for businesses in South Wigston.
“We are keen to ensure that none of the funds go back to the developer and therefore encourage eligible businesses to come forward.”
Businesses are encouraged to read the guidance on the Council website and submit applications to the Economic Regeneration team. The use of the funds is limited and business will need to match the funding, up to a maximum grant of £2,000.
The fund will remain continuously open until further notice.