A major housing and employment development area in Lutterworth will bring tens of millions of pounds in community benefits, affordable homes and much-needed infrastructure.
Plans for 2,750 new homes, community facilities and employment space to the east of Lutterworth were approved in July 2020. Approximately 1,260 of the new homes are expected to be built by 2031 and the rest after 2031.
The 550-acre development – known as the Lutterworth East Strategic Development Area (SDA) – was identified in the Harborough Local Plan as a key area to accommodate new housing in the district. It will include over 100 hectares of green space – approximately half of the site – two new primary schools and employment space to create around 2,500 jobs.
The development could attract as much as £1billion of investment to support the local economy.
A new spine road, also being created as part of the scheme, is expected to significantly reduce the amount of traffic travelling through Lutterworth town centre.
Harborough District Council issued the decision notice on the scheme this week having agreed substantial community benefits, through a Section 106 agreement, with developers contributing millions of pounds towards facilities for residents in the area.
Cllr Phil King, leader of Harborough District Council, said: “This development will provide a much-needed investment boost to the local economy, with job and training opportunities during construction. As well as providing vast amounts of open space, it will also provide homes to benefit many local families and, with 40 per cent of homes being affordable, help those struggling to afford their own home, a place to live.”
The scheme will provide:
- A Community Park, playing fields, allotments, woodland, trees and hedgerows and new ecological habitats
- Land for a potential new leisure centre in the future
- Foot and cycle paths – connecting with Lutterworth town centre
- 23 hectares of retail and business space – creating up to 2,500 jobs
- Two new primary schools and special education unit
- Improvements to main roads and junctions to increase capacity, a new M1 bridge, and a new spine road
- A community hub – with the potential for shops, restaurants, cafes, community hall and other local facilities
- Approximately 1,260 of the new homes are expected to be built by 2031 and the rest after 2031
The scheme will also ensure the protection of the Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) known as Misterton Marshes, the River Swift and its tributaries, Thornborough Spinney, mature trees and hedgerows.
Cllr King added: “This will create thousands of new jobs locally so more people can work closer to where they live, reducing their travel impact on the environment and climate. It will also deliver a site which could be used to accommodate a new leisure centre for Lutterworth should the existing sports centre reach its capacity.”