The site formerly occupied by a struggling Leicestershire caravan and leisure business has been placed on the market for £1.7 million by Watling Real Estate.
Dean Nelson and Brett Barton of PKF Smith Cooper have instructed Watling Real Estate to sell the freehold 1.83 acre site in Shepshed previously occupied by Ryedale Caravan & Leisure Ltd.
Toby O’Sullivan, director in the Midlands office of Watling Real Estate, said: “Ryedale Caravan & Leisure Ltd is sadly another victim of the reduction in demand in the caravan and leisure sector.
“The site benefits from a strategic, highly visible roadside location on the key arterial A512 Ashby Road and offers excellent asset management, extension, and redevelopment potential, subject to planning.
“The property may be of particular interest to dealership, trade counter, and convenience retail/food store occupiers, given it has previously benefitted from A1 and A3/A5 planning use consent.”
The site is well located being less than ½ mile from J23 of the M1, and 7 miles from J13 of the A42/M42. The immediate area comprises a mix of light industrial, dealership and warehouse property. Local occupiers include Aldi, Screwfix, Shepshed Ford, Parker Meggitt, and Manheim Commercial Auctions.
The Leicestershire instruction follows the successful sale late last year by the Midlands office of Watling Real Estate of the 1.85 acre site formerly occupied by Broad Lane Leisure caravan business in Alcester, Warwickshire.