< PreviousSt Modwen submitsBurton retail plansSt Modwen, has submitted plans for a 8,000 sq ft retail development in Branston, Burton-on-Trent, to be known as Branston Square.This new retail scheme forms part of St Modwen’s major new regeneration schemecomprising 660 homes and over 770,000 sq ft of commercial space.Branston Square will comprise five retail units totalling 8,000 sq ft, which range from 500sq ft to 4,300 sq ft, and a 58-space car park and a community garden.The new community garden, which will include public seating and have its own carparking facilities, will face the new terrace of shops. Covered walkways, high qualitylandscaping and the provision of cycle storage will establish Branston Square as a newmeeting point for local residents.Ian Romano, senior development surveyor at St Modwen, said: “Branston Square ispositioned in the heart of Branston and is ideally located to serve both existing residentsand the new housing that is now being built by our housebuilding part of the business, StModwen Homes.Councillor Mike Ackroyd, chairman of Branston Parish Council, said: "St. Modwen’snew retail development will complement and enhance the excellent shops we alreadyhave on Main Street. The public realm works being undertaken as part of the schemewill create a pleasant environment for shoppers to enjoy.”PROPERTY NEWSEast Midlands Business Link www.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk10City Council setto take action overEastsideNottingham City Council says it ispreparing to take action to secure a majordevelopment site after years of inaction by itsowners.The Island Site off London Road - morecommonly known as Eastside - is a 26-acresite which was earmarked for strategicdevelopment in 2004, with the City Councilgiving a development scheme planningpermission in 2008.But the permission has now lapsed withoutthe owner having made any meaningfulprogress.The site has recently been advertised forsale and the council has expressed its interestin buying it. The Council is proposing to "startall statutory processes available" to it,including the option of compulsory purchase.The council has identified £75,000 to coverthe preliminary professional fees associatedwith the statutory processes which would berecouped through the future sale ordevelopment profits of the site.City Council leader, councillor Jon Collins,said: “It’s been a source of immensefrustration to us that for many years thisreally important city site has been leftundeveloped and allowed to becomeunsightly and a magnet for anti-socialbehaviour.“We have done all we can to encourageand support the site owners to progress withthe site’s redevelopment but after years ofinaction from them, we have no confidencethey have any intention of doing so. We areprepared to buy the site ourselves, eitherthrough the advertised sale or by exercisingour statutory powers of compulsory purchaseif we have to.“We are aware of developer partners whoare willing and capable of movingdevelopment forward on this site once wehave secured its ownership.”Broughton Plant Hire expands inAlfretonBroughton Plant Hire has purchased a 9,042 sq ft industrial premises in Alfreton in adeal brokered by FHP.FHP acted on behalf of Permaroof, which relocated to larger premises nearby.Adrian Buttress of Permaroof said: “Following our relocation unit B1 was surplus torequirements and we instructed FHP to achieve a disposal for us. Whilst a letting wasan option, we preferred to sell the building and this has been accomplished within aprompt time scale.”Broughton Plant Hire opened a depot in Sandiacre in 2010 and is a specialistsupplier to the heating, ventilating and fire protection trades. Joe Zammit fromBroughton Plant Hire said “Unit B1 Venture Crescent met our criteria in terms of sizeand accessibility to the road network. We will be undertaking some refurbishmentbefore moving in in the New Year.”Tim Richardson from FHP Property Consultants added: “Freehold industrialpremises of this size are few and far between. We were expecting good interest andare delighted to have secured a sale at the expected price and in a timely manner.”NG wraps upfour officedeals inNottinghamNG Chartered Surveyorshas completed four officedisposals in Nottingham intime for Christmas.Henry Henson,surveyor at NG,completed the deals inthe space of just fourweeks. He wrapped upthe letting of the 2,600 sqft Regent House in Nottingham to care providers for the elderly, NationwideCare Services which relocated due to outgrowing its previous premises.Meanwhile, Lifeline Project, an organisation involved with rehabilitating drugand alcohol abusers, has taken 1,200 sq ft at 2 Russell Place in Nottingham citycentre.The third deal was to let the 1,500 sq ft 2nd Floor at Goeland House inDaybrook, Nottingham to Agincare UK – another care company which isexpanding. Agincare was the existing tenant in the building and was looking togrow its Nottingham operations.Finally, Henson acted on a deal that saw 843 sq ft at 48 Wollaton Rd in BeestonNottingham sold to RJH Conversion Specialists, the building contractor whichspecialises in loft and garage extensions and was looking for new headquarters.Speaking about the deals, Henson said: "NG is quickly becoming the agency ofchoice for landlord’s looking to dispose of their office stock."We're at the sharp end of the market and we see confidence within the office sectorslowly picking up - this is perfectly highlighted by the four deals we secured for ourclients within a relatively short time frame."He added: "Our advice to landlords is this: pricing properties sensibly from the outsethelps both with enquiry levels and the timeframe in which the property will remain on themarket. It is vital from an agent’s prospective to make sure that the client’s expectations arecarefully managed. We believe we do that time after time."David Wilson to build 197Northants homesDavid Wilson Homes South Midlands has been granted planningpermission for the first phase of a new development close to thevillage of Harlestone on the edge of Northampton.Harlestone Manor will be located next to Harlestone Firs and isshared with Persimmon Homes. The development will provide 197new homes and associated infrastructure over the next 12 months.Chris Hatfield, managing director at David Wilson Homes SouthMidlands, said: “We have a good reputation for housebuildingwithin Northamptonshire, having launched seven newdevelopments across the county over the past year, and we hopeto build on this further with our new Harlestone Manordevelopment.“As well as supporting apprenticeships and constructionjobs, housing developments also support the local economyas the people who move into the new homes will spendtheir wages locally, translating directly into a significantboost for local retailers.“We plan to contribute a great deal to the local areathrough the development of Harlestone Manor and weare sure that it will quickly become a place whichpeople will be proud to call home.”PROPERTY NEWSwww.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk East Midlands Business Link 11Kirk Estates launches inOakhamKirk Estates launches in OakhamEstate Agency Kirk Estates has launched its new headoffice in Oakham, Rutland. The firm, which is run bymanaging director James Kirk, opened in Oakham on 15thDecember.Kirk said: "We carefully selected Oakham as the flagship ofour operation; it's perfectly placed in the centre of the EastMidlands and is an extremely popular, attractive part of ourregion."Whilst ‘walk-in’ business has statistically reduced over thelast few years we felt a prominent location for our new officewas paramount, essential for our growing brand andimportantly allowing easy access to Leicester, Nottingham,Loughborough and beyond."DSP Interiors worked on the fit-out of the new Kirk Estates office. Andy Priestley,managing director, said: "We are delighted to have been involved in the design and fit outof Kirk Estate’s headquarters. The intricacy of the design and bespoke detailing has been amajor driver of the project. The interior design scheme incorporates local points of interestand provides a welcoming ambience with a modern-vintage twist."MANUFACTURING NEWSEast Midlands Business Link www.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk12Nottingham secures£1.2m research contractThe University of Nottingham is working on a major projectwhich it says will bring new wing design, manufacturing andassembly technologies to market.The University is partnering with GE Aviation in order toundertake a two year project which will research theassembly of ribs and fastening of composite panels leading tonew technologies in sealants and other technologies. Theproject, which is worth £1.2m to The University ofNottingham, has been awarded funding by the UK’sinnovation agency, Innovate UK.The University of Nottingham project with GE is part of alarger research programme being led by GKN Aerospace. Intotal, 13 partners from across the UK will be working on thewing manufacturing research programme, backed by theUK’s Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI).Known as VIEWS, (Validation and Integration ofManufacturing Enablers for Future Wing Structures), theprogramme will span manufacturing processes includingwing design, manufacture and assembly, whilst also selectingsome novel technologies for further development.Four researchers at The University of Nottingham will beemployed full-time in order to develop two demonstratorassembly cells, one on the development of ribs and the otheron panel technology.Speaking about the programme, Professor SvetanRatchev, Professor of Production Engineering in the Facultyof Engineering, who is leading The University of Nottinghamproject, said: “This programme is very important in terms offurther enhancing our links with internationally leadingaerospace manufacturers by building on our expertise inadvanced manufacturing technologies. The results of theproject will contribute to maintaining the competiveness ofthe UK aerospace sector and its future growth.“Here at Nottingham we have one of the largest academicteams for aerospace research in Europe, with over 250academics delivering multi-disciplinary research and drivingthe development of cutting edge technologies which willradically improve all aspects of future air transport.”VIEWS will progress technologies that have emerged fromthe recently completed STeM (Structures TechnologyMaturity) research programme. Also led by GKN Aerospace,STeM has identified processes that could reduce by 20 percent the cost of manufacture and assembly of a typicalcomposite box structure.Russ Dunn, Senior Vice President, Engineering andTechnology, GKN Aerospace, explains: “Through theAerospace Technology Institute, the UK aerospace sector isable to work together effectively to develop promisingtechnologies and processes that will help us maintain ourposition as the strongest national aerospace industry outsidethe USA.“STeM saw us make valuable progress and VIEWS willwork from that base, taking us nearer to market readinesswith a new generation of automated processes andtechnologies that will extend what we in the UK are able tomanufacture, at the same time as increasing the quality,consistency and speed of production.”Solid outlook for manufacturers,says CBIActivity in the manufacturing sector remained steady in December, andproduction is expected to continue rising in the next three months, according tothe latest CBI Industrial Trends Survey.Output growth has been broadly steady since August, and remained aboveaverage this month. Amongst the various sectors, growth in Motor Vehicles &Transport Equipment rose to a nine-month high.The survey of 485 manufacturers found that total order books edged upslightly, remaining strongly above average. Whilst still relatively weak, exportorder books improved slightly and are at a four-month high.Rain Newton-Smith, CBI director of economics, said: “The manufacturing sectoris ending 2014 on a more upbeat note, having lost a little momentum earlier in theyear.“Export orders have improved, and output is expected to continue growing aswe head into the New Year.“However, the otherwise solid outlook for UK manufacturers is tempered by achallenging global backdrop. With Eurozone growth disappointing and someemerging markets facing a tough time, firms need to look harder for opportunitiesto ramp up exports to high-growth sectors across the globe.”Northants lingerie andswimwear firm changesnameKettering lingerie and swimwear design and manufacturerformerly known as Wacoal Eveden has rebranded as WacoalEurope.Wacoal Europe will be the renamed group subsidiary ofWacoal Holdings Corp, responsible for the European andAustralasian overseas business for the Wacoal and b.tempt’dbrands and for the global business of Fantasie, Freya, Elomi,Goddess and Huit. The business says the move will enhance itsgroup brand value in the European region and will create "asecond pillar for development" across the Western Hemisphere,alongside Wacoal America.Tracy Lewis, CEO of Wacoal Europe said: “This is a significantstep in increasing the awareness and reputation of the Wacoalbrand name, whilst driving the business to greater future successbased on our products and the service we provide to ourcustomers. This is the final step in bringing our organisationstogether and maximising our global business expertise.”Image Scan slips furtherinto the redImage Scan, the AIM-listed specialist in the field of real-time X-ray imaging for the security and industrial inspection markets, hasposted increased losses for the year ending 30th September.The Barrow upon Soar firm saw losses increase from £297,000last year to £451,000 in 2014, blaming the performance on thedelayed availability of an X-ray generator in H2.Revenue was also down from £2.5m to £2.2m.Bill Mawer, chairman and chief executive, said: "Having joinedthe company in April it is frustrating to have to report such a lossafter my first six months leading the business. The company hadbeen working hard to find a replacement X-ray generator for itsportable products following the loss of the previous supplier but,despite considerable focus on this area since my appointment, thatsituation was not rectified before the year end."MANUFACTURING NEWSwww.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk East Midlands Business Link 13Fibracon sold to RöchlingHigh Peakplasticcomponentscompany, FibraconTwin, and its sisterarm, InsollComponents hasbeen sold toGloucester-basedRöchlingEngineeringPlastics (UK).The two businesses will continue to trade from Derbyshire and Hertfordshire, but will nowjoin a network of 14 other plastic CNC machining businesses across the world as part of thewider Röchling Group. The Group specialises in all areas of thermoplastic and compositeprocessing technology employing 7,500 peopleand turning over 1.3bn.Gateley corporate partner, Mark Rutherford along with senior associate, Paul Simpsonadvised the selling shareholders on the deal. Rutherford said: “We’re really pleased to beinvolved in the sale of Fibracon and Insoll. Having worked with both companies for morethan 20 years they are long standing clients of the firm.“The deal provides both businesses with an opportunity to flourish by allowing theircustomer base access to the production capabilities, materials and processing expertiseavailable through The Röchling Group.”On-shoring drive set to createover 18,000 Midlandsautomotive jobsThe automotive industry is poised to create an estimated 18,652 newjobs in the Midlands over the next two years as manufacturers bringproduction back to Britain, according to a new study by Lloyds Bank.The bank’s report, Fuelling Growth, which surveyed English and Welshmanufacturers from across the automotive supply chain, found that nearlythree-quarters (70 per cent) of respondents are looking to ‘on-shore’ someof their operations by the end of 2016.Almost half (45 per cent) of manufacturers surveyed said they hadalready repatriated, on average, a fifth (20 per cent) of their production.Businesses cited cost and time reduction, improving UK economicconditions and the desire to support local communities as reasons behindtheir decision.Just over three-quarters (76 per cent) of manufacturers in the sectorexpect to grow by up to 25 per cent over the next two years, with anaverage of 18 per cent expansion predicted. On average, each businessplans to create 27 jobs over this time period, which equates to nearly50,000 jobs.While production is being brought back to Britain, the automotive sectoris looking beyond domestic markets to achieve growth. More than two-thirds (68 per cent) stated that entering new markets is key to achievingtheir growth ambitions. Almost three-quarters (74 per cent) are looking toinvest in or engage new international customers over the next two years,with Western Europe and North America the most popular targets.David Atkinson, head of Manufacturing, SME, Lloyds Bank, said: “Britainremains one of the leading players in automotive manufacturing, with acomplex supply chain of high value engineering that is attracting significantinward investment. The sector’s growth in recent years, particularly in theMidlands, has made the automotive industry the ‘jewel in the crown’ of thenation’s economy, and this looks set to continue with thousands of newjobs predicted to be created.“It is particularly encouraging to see the commitment of many firms tobring their manufacturing processes back onshore as a way of helping tosupport both local communities and the wider economic recovery of theUK.”International growth bringstwo new jobs to CMLTwo new positions have been created by a logistics and warehousingspecialist in order to grow its international freight forwarding services.Core Management Logistics (CML), based in Lutterworth, has beenproviding air, ocean, road and rail freight forwarding services since 2008to Asia, Europe and the Americas but is now keen to expand its importand export markets into South America and the Middle East.CML has recruited two new starters; James Thorpe has joined the freightforwarding team as international business development manager and PatTreanor has taken on the role of exports and internal sales officer. CML has alsoemployed freight forwarding consultant Antoine Petragallo.Graham Copley, chief executive of CML, said: “We’re thrilled to have James andPat on-board and I’m certain that their wealth of experience and expertise will helpdrive CML forward, allowing us to take advantage of new opportunities, developour knowledge and ultimately grow our freight forwarding business significantly.”APPOINTMENT NEWSEast Midlands Business Link www.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk14Rees makes partner atFidler &PepperCommercial propertysolicitor Luke Rees hasbeen made a partner atNottinghamshire-based lawfirm Fidler & PepperSolicitors.Rees joined Fidler & Pepper inApril 2014.He said: “I joined Fidler & Pepperbecause of its reputation as being a fast-moving, forward-thinkingplace to work. It has proved to be just that and more, and so I amreally delighted to have been made a partner at a firm whereteamwork, professionalism and dedication to customer service areparamount.”With offices in Mansfield and Sutton-in-Ashfield, Fidler & Pepperadvises businesses on a range of issues, including employment law,HR, landlords, acquisitions, and dispute resolution.Mark Slade, Fidler & Pepper's managing partner, said: “Luke hasbeen a real asset to the firm since he joined, and being made partneris testament to his ability to help the firm grow.”Apple app developer takes a bite out of Purpose Media - nigelspeight picPurpose Media has hired Nigel Speight, a developer of Apple Appsto join its ranks. Speight will develop applications that will helpcompanies sell more on-line or improve communications withcustomers or staff.Speight said: “I was really impressed by the people I met atPurpose Media, their commitment to quality how they lookahead to the future. I am really excited about the role as it willopen up new opportunities and relationships for PurposeMedia.”Before joining Purpose Media Speight developed appsfor iPhone, iPad and Android, and previously for olderplatforms such as Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, NintendoGameboy, Sony PlayStation and even further goingback to the old ZX Spectrum and Commodore64 days.Severn's up at FHPFHP has appointed Darran Severn to its Derby office. Severn willbe working in the agency team alongside Tim Richardson basedon Pride Park.Severn said: “I am delighted to have joined the company atsuch an important stage in my career. FHP are one of the mostactive agents in the East Midlands and I am really looking forwardto a long future with them. I have been brought in to expand theDerby office at a time when Derby itself is seeing new investmentand growing as a city."It is an exciting time for Derby, and I am looking forward to thechallenge of this market.”Cresswell readyto receive atMazarsMazars has strengthened itsReceivables Management team with theappointment of Rob Cresswell.Cresswell joins Mazars as areceivables manager. He will be basedout of the Leicester office from where hewill be responsible for serving clients inthe Central Region includingBirmingham, Leicester, Nottingham andMilton Keynes.Chris Darlington, managing partner of Mazars in Leicester said: “Rob will be a welcomed additionto the Leicester team and I look forward to introducing him to our local clients and leveraging hisexperience.”Pall-Ex appoints new board memberLeicestershire palletised freight network Pall-Ex hasappointed Sue Hodgson as its new director of network services.Having joined from Fidelity Information Services where shewas national sales manager, Hodgson was previously thenetwork services general manager at Palletline, where sheworked alongside new Pall-Ex group managing director KevinBuchanan.“Sue has established herself as a very talented leader in thelogistics industry, and it is fitting that she is able to bring herconsiderable skills to Pall-Ex to ensure our continued growthand focus on quality network services,” said Buchanan.“She has proven experience in many aspects of themanagement of logistics networks, from implementing newsystems across the board, to managing the collection andanalysis of data.“Her ability to achieve reliable and efficient serviceexcellence will help to further strengthen Pall-Ex’s position atthe forefront of our sector.”Blusourcepredicts 20 newstarters in 201Blusource, the professional servicesrecruitment firm based in Nottingham,has added two more recruits, theeleventh and twelth of the year - andsays it will take on another 20 in2015.Helen McPake joins the firm towork in the Blusource industry andcommerce division. She will beresponsible for researchingopportunities in the HR side of thebusiness.Jade Evans joins Blusource as aresourcer in the BlusourceAccountancy team. She will betasked with supporting the firm's South West office.A spokesperson for Blusource said that 2015 will see a around 20 people join the company – amix of new trainees and experienced recruiters.Minton is newinsurance MD atWilsonsNottingham-based The Wilson Organisationhas appointed Mark Minton as managingdirector of its General Insurance division.Working alongside Wilsons’ CEO AnnabelProw and Group MD Charlotte Perkins, Mintonbrings thirty years' insurance and financialservices senior and Board level experience tothe firm.He takes up the new role at Wilsons from£47m turnover financial services firm PersonalTouch, which is based in Solihull, where hewas strategy & business development director.Minton said: “Wilsons is a thriving andestablished top 100 insurance broker andfinancial adviser in the UK, and the new role ofMD of its General Insurance team is created ata time when the firm has experienced asustained period of high demand for itsservices."Wilsons’ Group MD Charlotte Perkinsadded: “This year, the firm celebrates itscentenary and is set to further grow thebusiness as we enter its next 100-years.“Mark is a highly experienced, respectedprofessional and a fantastic addition to theteam. He will spearhead the strategicgrowth and business development of theGeneral Insurance division, workingalongside the MD of our FinancialServices team Pat Makin, the firm’ssenior management team, deputychairman Gary Cormack, and our CEOAnnabel Prow.“Mark’s appointment is a significantfirst step for Wilsons in the nextstage of its strategy for businessgrowth. We continue to add-to anddevelop our team to the benefit ofour client portfolio and providers,and Mark is already on the look-out for more experiencedprofessionals to work withinGeneral Insurance tocomplement our existingteam.”www.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk East Midlands Business Link 15APPOINTMENT NEWSDEALSEast Midlands Business Link www.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk16TMEC sold to privateequity-backed rivalA Leicestershire mobility equipment installer has been sold to aYorkshire rival, in a deal backed by private equity house LDC.Wakefield headquartered Prism Medical has completed theacquisition of Hinckley-based The Mobility Equipment Company(TMEC) for an undisclosed sum.TMEC distributes, installs and services a range of specialistmobility equipment, with a particular specialism in the supply,installation and maintenance service of stair lifts.Prism says the acquisition of TMEC will extend its existingpresence and direct sales drive across the Midlands region whilstenhancing the business’ capabilities in stair lifts.The deal with TMEC is the second acquisition completed byPrism Medical since LDC backed the business, and follows thetakeover of Handling Moving and Ergonomics Limited, which wascompleted in September 2014.Prism Medical’s staff numbers have increased by ten percent asa result of the acquisitions, with the business now employingaround 330 people.Stuart Meldrum, chief executive of Prism Medical said: "Theacquisitions of TMEC and HME in quick succession represent ourambition to accelerate growth across our business with LDC’ssupport. TMEC provides us with a more established presence inthe Midlands from which we can further develop our existingservice offering in this key region, while HME brings additionaltraining skills and capabilities.”Andy Lyndon, director at LDC said: "TMEC is the second highquality acquisition completed by Prism Medical since we backedthe business earlier this year, reflecting our belief that there is realscope to build the business both organically and acquisitively."Care provider secures £10m fundingAn East Midlands care provider has secured a further £10m of funding from Barclays and Santander.Leicester-based Prime Life has over 1,750 registered care beds across over 60 units based in the Midlands and beyond.Jay Hairsine, finance director of Prime Life said: “As a management team we were keen to work with banks who could demonstrateto us their knowledge of the Healthcare industry combined with the desire for a long term investment with us and Barclays andSantander did just that. This latest funding will enable us to implement the next stage of our strategic plan, and in doing so providefurther facilities with high standards of care to more people across the region.”Barclays acted as debt mandate lead arranger as well as providing cash management and money transmission services. Therelationship with Prime Life is led by Julian Kilsby, relationship director and supported by Matthew Potter, director in debt finance.Kilsby said: “Prime Life is a key independent health care provider with a proven track record in the industry. This is the secondtranche of funding within twelve months to further support Prime Life and help them acquire a key health asset. Prime Life continue todeliver on their strategic plan and consolidate their position as a leading care provider within the UK.Santander, who jointly funded the transaction, was led by Michael Gascoigne, relationship director, and supported by Scott Oldnall, director ofsructured finance.Gascoigne said: “We are delighted to be assisting Prime Life, who are leading providers of healthcare services, and we very much hope to supporttheir ambitions as they continue to invest in the sector.”Riviera secures PhoenixinvestmentRiviera Travel, the Burton-upon-Trent provider of overseas tour holidaysand river cruises, has received an investment by Phoenix Equity Partners,the middle-market private equity firm.Riviera, founded in 1984, will be led by David Clemson who joined thebusiness in 2008 and continues as managing director. Michael Wright, thefounder of Riviera, will remain with the business as a non-executive directorand as a shareholder.Riviera operates in the escorted tour and river cruise markets. Corecustomers are typically over 50s travellers.Wright said: "I am delighted to welcome Phoenix as a new investor inRiviera. Phoenix is very experienced at partnering with founder ownedbusinesses. Together, we shall continue to focus on providing exceptionalservice for our loyal customers, developing our successful portfolio of toursand river cruises, and creating opportunities in the business for staff at alllevels.”Clemson added: “I am very excited that Phoenix is investing in thebusiness. They have strong experience of the leisure sector and, mostimportantly, it will be business as usual as we move into the busy bookingseason in January.”David Burns, managing partner at Phoenix, added: “Riviera is anexceptional company, with a wonderful culture and very loyal customers.We are delighted to be partnering with Michael and David, and to beinvesting to grow the business.”Matt Waddell, corporate finance partner at PwC in the Midlands, who ledthe advice to Riviera's shareholders, commented: "Riviera is an outstandingbusiness with great growth prospects and this investment will allow thebrand to continue its significant international expansion. The company is agreat example of a Midlands based business which has grown to beconsistently the best in its class. Phoenix's investment is testament to thisand also demonstrates the growing quality of investment opportunities weare seeing across the Midlands."Microlise set to create jobs withBarclays fundingA Nottinghamshire company specialising in vehicle and machine tracking solutions hassecured £1.25m funding to aid the next stage in its development and create local jobs.Eastwood-based Microlise has secured the working capital finance from Barclays, and saysit will use the funding to increase market share and drive sales in the UK, Europe andWorldwide.The company provides a range of vehicle and machine tracking solutions, telematics andproof of delivery systems. It employs 246 staff and have a turnover of around £25m.Nadeem Raza, managing director at Microlise said: “Microlise are excited about workingwith Barclays. Our Board were impressed with Barclays desire to fully understand ourbusiness and put together a package to support our current working capital requirements andour future potential growth. We are confident that having built a positive relationship, Barclayswill play an important part in supporting the next stage of our journey.”DEALS17East Midlands deals values up - butnumbers downThe total value of private equity backedmanagement buy-outs in the East Midlandsincreased from a shade under £400m in 2013, tonearly £470m in 2014 although the number of dealsreduced from 14 to nine in comparison with theprevious year, according to new figures.The latest data published by The Centre forManagement Buy-Out Research (CMBOR),sponsored by Equistone Partners Europe Limitedand EY reveals that the average deal value in 2014in the East Midlands was nearly double that of 2013– up from nearly £30m to more than £50m.Transaction volumes were evenly split between management buy-out and buy-ins.However the figures were skewed by the sale of Northampton-based R. Griggs Groupvalued at £317m, which included the Dr Martens brand, to Permira Funds in a deal which wasannounced in October 2013 but completed in 2014. Other significant deals included the buy-out of NFT Distribution in April 2014 from Phoenix Equity Partners in a deal valued at £60m.On the exit front, volumes were relatively flat with nine recorded in 2014 in the EastMidlands. However, the value of these sales more than doubled to £452m in 2014.Phil Griesbach, partner in the Midlands office of Equistone Partners Europe said: “2014 gotoff to a good start in the East Midlands with the completion of the region’s largest deal of theyear.“Although the number of deals is down on the previous year, values are generally higherand it is also evident that the deal pipeline is continuing to fill. We are anticipating a brisk startto 2015 across the Midlands driven in part by a desire to complete transactions prior to theGeneral Election in May.”Across the whole of the UK, the value of buy-outs was relatively flat at just under £15bn in2014. There were 214 deals completed in the UK this year – up on 2013’s 193 deals. Thevalue of buyouts accounted for two-thirds of all UK domestic M&A.As for exit activity, the total 2014 value is at a record £28.8bn after 2013’s £23.4bn – mainlydue to a buoyant stock market in the first half of the year. IPO exits are also the highest sincerecords began – at £16.2bn.www.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk East Midlands Business Link Sterling brews updeal for SpringheadBreweryA Nottinghamshire brewery is set to expandafter securing a funding package from SterlingCapital Reserve, regional sponsors ofThinCats.com, the online marketplace for securedloans.Springhead Brewery, based in Retford, suppliespubs and a range of supermarkets, producingaround 100,000 pints per week.The family run firm has seen a huge upturn indemand for real ale, and turned to Sterling to helpaccess the funding required to develop their siteand new brewing processes that the demand wasbringing.Richard Scragg, chairman at SpringheadBrewery said: "Real ale has grown in popularitywith huge numbers of microbreweries aiming craftale at the younger end of the market."We realised we needed funding to keep aheadof our competition and to reach our potential -we're on course to increase production by 300 percent over the next three years. We'll be investing innew fermentation equipment and mechanisingsome of our processes which have been carriedout manually." Springhead will also use the funding to developan area around the cask-washing facility totransform it into a comfortable, all year roundevents area.Richard added: "A curious story here is that therock band Marillion used to use our space torehearse in, so we already know we have somegreat acoustics!"The funding will also be used to accelerateSpringhead Brewery's development of its flagship“Roaring Meg” beer into a national brand, as wellas to add much-needed extra staff to driveexpansion.ThinCats.com is an online marketplace to enableinvestors to make secured loans of between£50,000 and £1m direct to UK companies. DavidMarshall, commercial finance consultant at SterlingCapital Reserve, was the sponsor for the deal.He said: “As a sponsor, we visit the company agood number of times to meet the managementteam and really get under the skin of theirbusiness. It’s a very personalised service and harksback to what bank managers used to do years ago.By meeting companies face to face we are able toget a good understanding of the business, itssituation, and its ability to repay.”East Midlands Business Link www.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk18FASTEST 40Shortlist East Midlands Business Link’s secondFastest 40 Awards takes place onThursday 26th February at HotelMaiyango in Leicester. Here, we take alook at the shortlisted individuals andask what makes them tick.Sponsored bywww.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk East Midlands Business Link 19FASTEST 40EXPORTJonathan ValentineCEO and founder, Impero SoftwareWhat has been the biggest achievement in yourcareer so far?Impero is now used by more than twomillion computers in over 40 countries.Jonathan has grown the company into theUK’s market leading provider of classroomand network management software, and itnow has a 33 per cent market share ofsecondary schools and 24 per cent ofcolleges. Briony BrittenJoint founder and group sales director ofIglooBooksWhat has been the biggest achievement in yourcareer so far?Selling the business to media giantsBonnier from Sweden on 31st Oct 2014. Anneka Chauhandelivering a tanker of oil each week - or1.5 million litres a year - to power, heatand cool the Cooperative’s new £100mheadquarters.I personally coordinated farmers, seedsupply chains, purchasing, energy servicesand facilities management teams, workingwith all parts of the business to get aframework in place to provide fuel for thewhole HQ.Commercial director, FalconInternational BagsWhat has been the biggest achievement inyour career so far?Launching a new brand into the marketplace and seeing growth as a result.However this is only the beginning sothere is a lot more of the market tocapture and as business goes it neverreally stops and it is a constant learningcurve.All markets are very different so to beable to get into the Chinese market was agreat achievement.Ben GuyManaging director, Phoenix GroupWhat has been the biggest achievement inyour career so far? Project managing Phoenix’s contract tosupply biodiesel to the Cooperative. I tookcharge of setting up the supply chain fromscratch for a brand new cogenerationplant. 18 months later, Phoenix is nowJonathan ValentineBriony BrittenAnneka ChauhanBen Guy revealedNext >