< PreviousMARKETINGEast Midlands Business Link www.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk40Want award-winning PR results?Add awards to your marketing mixRecently, Greg Simpson from Press for Attention PR was out at a networking functionbut his phone was constantly pinging texts, keeping him updated from a ceremonysomewhere in London...Our client www.briefyourmarket.com was shortlisted (top 50)in the hugely respected Deloitte Fast 50 awards - based on thegrowth of tech firms across the UK.My job, as soon as possible, was to relay the results to thepress and get the story out pronto the next day. To make iteasier, we had already drafted 3 versions, a placement release,a top 10 and a top 5. The winner would be taken care of by theDeloitte team so we left that option out but had a quoteprepared, just in case.“Made Top 10” came one text... then an eerie silence before“Wow! Top 5” and then “highest in the Midlands”. This requiredsome slight editing in the small hours but we were ready andby the next day we had briefed the local and regional press,gained sign off and got the story out. Timing is everything.FYI - the growth figure for my client... over 3,800 per centover five years.Phenomenal.The next day, the BriefYourMarket.com team had some greatnews to share with their employees, suppliers and other valuedstakeholders. Their office was a buzz of excitement heading intothe weekend. I know, I popped over to say hi!Come Monday and we had already achieved blanketcoverage across the region and set the ball rolling on a series ofarticles within their horizontal and vertical press.A month prior to this I mentioned a more local award tosomeone I met at a networking event. I’m delighted to say... shewon! Earlier this year, another client of ours, Paragon InteriorsGroup Plc won at the “Sunday Times 100 Best Companies”awards.Whilst it tempting to claim a Midas touch we can’t. By andlarge most of our clients see entering awards as part of theirwider marketing strategy - they see the ROI. It is a fantastic wayto gain objective third-party endorsement (a major goal of PR),great coverage and one of the best ways to foster employeeand company relationships.People proudly point to articles in the press and say “I workthere”. Other highly-skilled people start thinking “maybe Ishould work there?”Sometimes... potential clients get in touch too, as happenedthis week.So, ahead of the winter break, start to think about whatawards you might enter in 2015. They might be local, regional,national or industry based but you can bet that once youintegrate them into your marketing, the effects can really make adifference.RESTAURANT REVIEWwww.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk East Midlands Business Link 41This Nottingham city centre venue, tucked away in the topfloor of the Cornerhouse development, has another, muchless hedonistic side: Rocket restaurant.Rocket@Saltwater is smart without being fussy. It’s newlunchtime menu is similarly straightforward, which makes achange from the plethora of new Nottingham restaurants, inwhich you have to answer around ten multiple choicequestions before you even order your meal. With Rocket,what you see is what you get - and thank goodness for that.Rocket doesn’t pretend to be anything new - in fact it’spretty much straight down the line American fayre that is sopopular at the moment, but that so many other places getwrong.I chose the chilli con carne pizza, whilst partner opted forthe pulled pork tortilla wrap. No fuss, no frills - but huge,tasty portions. As they arrived we both said: “Oof, there’s noway we’ll eat all that.” Of course we did, and both disheswere excellent.Rocket, at the moment at least, seems off the traditionalbusiness lunch circuit, but that will surely change once wordgets out. Free of the sometimes over-complicated service ofits rivals, Rocket deserves the chance to impress the oftenoverly-loyal business set. Recommended.Rocket@SaltwaterSome might think of Saltwater as a night den populated by the Saturday night set,hanging out on the roof terrace swigging cocktails. Think again...Raw newsPre-Christmas is a difficult time to pull some news out thebag, but those hardy souls at Shooting Star tried their hardestfor client Freshtime.They may not be every child’s favourite, but Brusselssprouts are still a favourite on the Christmas dinner table, saidFreshtime.More than seven out of ten people in the UK tucked intosprouts for Christmas lunch this year, according to a newsurvey by Freshtime.But sprouts are not the nation’s favourite: carrots are themost popular festive veg, with 73% of people expecting tosee them on their plate last Christmas.“December is a very busy month for winter vegetables,especially Brussels sprouts in the run-up to Christmas, andwe’re not surprised to hear that sprouts are as popular asever,” said Mark Newton, Managing Director of Freshtime.“Some people may have been put off sprouts as a childwhen they were served mushy and overcooked, but a crispsprout steamed and sautéed with chestnuts or pancetta is afantastic side dish at Christmas.”Great tips.The lighter side of East Midlands office life...The lighter side of East Midlands office life...DRESS DOWN FRIDAYBalls to awardsceremoniesSpecialist glazing and constructionmarketing agency Balls2 Marketing's seniorcommunications manager Gemma Bradleyhas been named as a finalist for EmergingTalent - Young Marketer of the Year in theConstruction Marketing Awards. This is wonderful news, Gemma, butwhat's with your in-house nickname?'Gemma with Balls'? Is there somethingyou're not telling us?East Midlands Business Link www.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk42Dad dangerThe opportunistic survey of the month award goes to family-focussed insurance brand There®,which this week issued a press release saying that the average dad suffers 22 injuries a year –because of the kids.Apparently, four times a year dad stumbles on an item of clothing or other belonging that’s beenleft out, while the dreaded prospect of an accidental hit to the crotch faces men with young childrentwice a year.Issuing a dire warning, Clive Allison, head of member recruitment at the firm, said: "Clearly thatcomes with a few inevitable knocks and injuries when playing around outside or on the sofa or eventrying to keep up with them in a football match."More often than not a knock or bash to the shin can be shaken off but the results show moreserious injuries can happen and have even led to dads taking time off work which can cause familiesproblems financially."Oh, we get it now...Where's me jumper?Finally, if you’re starting to get into the festive spirit, why not don your Christmas jumper and getalongto Loughborough University on 10th December to join the hundreds who’ll be gathering to break thewinter woolly world record?The event is being held as part of the national Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day fundraiser,which is aiming to “make the world better with a sweater.” Now in its third year, the event has raisedmore than £1.6m to date to help give children around the world a brighter future.Sarah Haar, Loughborough University’s Corporate Social Responsibility Intern, is coordinating theLoughborough event.“We want to raise as much money as we can for Save the Children and set a new world record at thesame time,” she said.“The Guinness world record currently stands at 639, but I’m sure we can beat that easily. We want tosee as many local people from all around Loughborough on the campus wearing their Christmaswoollies. They can be tasteful (or not!), bought or homemade, it really doesn’t matter, just as long asthey’re suitably festive.”Dirty talkSometimes words aren't even needed. This is one of the times.More than a third of Brits take just four baths or less a year, new national research has revealed.Thirty-five per cent of the UK admits it now takes up to just four baths annually, and 47% say thattwo of those baths are most likely to be taken while staying at a hotel, according to the nationwidestudy released to celebrate Bubble Bath Day (January 8th) by the UK’s leading hotel booking siteLateRooms.com.Brits take an average of 227 showers a year. Despite 75% of the nation still having both a bathand shower in their home bathroom and three-quarters of householders saying baths are morerelaxing and better for ‘me’ time, it is the shower that sees the most action.But the UK doesn’t shower or bath on 111 days of the year. That’s more than three months a yearwithout a bath or a shower.For 35% of the nation the decision to take a shower instead of a bath is simply a time issue –showers are quicker.The study revealed that, even as adults, 60% of us often share a bath with our partner, especially ifwe’re staying at a hotel.Almost three in every 10 quizzed in the national poll admit that they are also far more likely to usebubble bath when taking a bath in a hotel than they are when taking a bath at home.Businessmen are the most likely to use bubble bath when taking a bath during a hotel stay,according to the study. And their favourite bubble bath fragrance? Lavender.The UK is also far more likely to take a bath at the weekend, the research reveals.When Brits are in a bath the most popular bathroom activity is reading a book. Though more than athird of the nation says they like to spend bath-time ‘clearing their mind’.LateRooms.com spokesperson Andrea Tarpey said: “We polled morethan 2,000 UK adults in order to shed some light on the nation’sbathing habits to coincide with Bubble Bath day. The bathroomis a hugely important part of a hotel stay and often thedeciding factor in a guest’s choice of room, so we wanted toexamine the nation’s perceptions about the whole bathingexperience.“Our research shows that almost a quarterof the UK (24%) admits that even whenplunged into a relaxing bubble bath they can’tresist using their smartphone to check up onsocial media and texts.“According to these new statistics, theaverage time Brits spend soaking in a tub of hotwater is 20 minutes.“What is abundantly clear is that while our busylives means we don’t have as much time to enjoy a hotsoak in a lovely bath as we’d like, we still prefer them toshowers. And that means when we take a relaxing tripaway from home we’re much more likely to indulgeourselves by taking a bath whilst in a hotel.”Rotton boroughs, part 27It's not everyday you hear80's soft-rock gods Marillionand Peer-To-Peer Funding inthe same sentence, let alonewith "brewery" thrown in forgood measure. So when weheard via PR juggernaut GregSimpson that the very samewas being uttered atSterling Capital Reserve'slatest seminar, we issued aquestion by proxy "LIVE"during the Q & A.A simple one: "Can youtell me any other songsby Marillion other than"Kayleigh"?Silence reigned for anuncomfortable fewseconds, 80-odd ofNottingham's finest minds straining. Finally, commercial property funding guru Nic Rotton chirped upwith an answer: "Assassing 1984".Nic Rotton, you now have three questions on the history of Marillion, starting with...Head in thecloudsTo our Cloud computing breakfastseminar at PKF Cooper Parry's EastMidlands Airport offices , and a largecrowd had gathered to hear a top-classline-up of speakers.Third up was Sean Sherwin-Smith,who heads up at IT at palletised freightnetwork Pall-Ex, which of course isowned by former Dragons' Den starHilary Devey. What was it like towork for the fearsome entrepreneur,asked Sean? He answered his ownquestion: "Of all the Spice Girlsshe is Scary Spice, but in someways it's like working for yourMum."Brave man.43DRESS DOWN FRIDAYwww.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk East Midlands Business Link SUPPORTING BUSINESS GROWTHBusiness Link were proud to team up withsponsors on the sequel to Taming the Dragon - aninvestor event, held in Lincoln recently.The ultimate objective for entrepreneurs was, ofcourse, to secure funding - but the event, which wasthe second of its kind for the city, also provided anopportunity for entrepreneurs to find support andbusiness expertise from the dragons and thosewatching the process. One of last year’s entrepreneurs is Tom Whitaker ofInnovosys Ltd who in 2013 pitched his idea of aTaming the Dragon 2Local artist HenriettaClaveringLeft to right: Herman Kok – Lindum Group,Mike Sinclair – Local investor, Tim Clark – Local investor and Russell CopleyWhat better example of supporting business growth than the recent Dragon’s Den styleinvestor event which gave Lincolnshire businesses the chance to pitch for backing “A fun, well run event and a goodreminder of the talent that exists inLincolnshire.”Karen Bower-Brown, Partner, Sills & Betteridge LLP East Midlands Business Link www.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk44SUPPORTING BUSINESS GROWTHmobile payment and management app forself-employed trades people and through hispitch, was able to secure a £150,000investment from a local dragon on the panel.Tom tells Business Link, “After 12 monthson the hunt for investment, pitching atTaming the Dragon secured two follow upmeetings with investors, one of whichevolved to completed investment.Investment was essential for the continueddevelopment of Trade Clients, our mobileinvoicing app, which will be launching onthe App Store at the end of the year.”The 2014 event proved just as exciting,drawing a large number of entrepreneursand an audience comprising some of theregion’s top businesses. The panel ofdragons included Herman Kok, Mike Sinclairand Tim Clark, who listened intently as eachbidder was given up to ten minutes topresent their ideas. As one might expect, the pitches werequite diverse - an inventor looking for£150,000 of funding to help launch a groundbreaking baby stroller which folds into aPHOTOS: RICHARD PICKSLEY“So pleasing to see Taming theDragon 2, the sequel helpingbusinesses who need investment andthe right guidance and connections.”Sarah Whitaker, Lincolnshire Investment Networkbaby carrier and retails at £245, an equinescientist looking for £120,000 to open afactory in Lincolnshire for a unique gelfeed supplement that guarantees to keepcompetition horses hydrated naturally andso improve performance, and a localdesigner showcasing a distinctive rangeof designer bone china and looking toupscale her operation. Last but by nomeans least, a property developer duolooking to expand their buy to let portfoliofor Lincolnshire’s burgeoning professionalsector.The dragons were given a short timeto question the entrepreneurs, weighingup ideas and providing helpful feedback,Left to right: Kim Stones, HenriettaClavering, Sandra Murphy, RyanCarruthers and Richard Bell Last year’s winnerTom Whitakerbefore deciding which of thebusinesses they felt could assist withmuch needed investment .The evening proved a huge successand as James Pinchbeck, MarketingPartner at Streets CharteredAccountants, sums up, “While thereare many new business ventures orentrepreneurial ideas out there, theability of their founders to exploit theirtrue potential is often impaired by theinability to secure funding. The abilityto secure financial backing and advicefrom a Dragon’s Den style investor istherefore a great run to seeing a newbusiness venture fly. ”Sponsors of the event : James Pinchbeck - StreetsChartered Accountants, Holly Wells - Lincolnshire CountyCouncil, Chris Pain - Lincolnshire County Council, KarenBower Brown - Sills & Betteridge, Dave Fisher - NatWest,Sarah Whitaker - Lincolnshire Investment Network,Russell Copley - Lincolnshire Investment Networkwww.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk East Midlands Business Link 45One of Lincolnshire’s oldest golf clubs, Canwick Park Golf Club held their annual dinner,bringing together members for excellent company.The club doesn’t currently have a social secretary but they felt it was a shame not to hold thishugely popular event, so the members worked together to ensure a fantastic evening. This year’scaptains are husband and wife Dean and Karen Moore and they attended the event, whichfeatured live music from Memory Lane. The Club took the opportunity to announce their Scottish Evening on 24th January, and theformation of a new senior ladies section which hopes to compete against other clubs over tenholes.Ann and BernardBorrillPam and HenryBatchelorJohn and ElizabethSmithSue and Colin Smith with Sandyand Terry RawlinsCaptains Dean and Karen Moore withPresident Peter MussonHelen Bradshaw, lady vice-captain, and Phil BradshawVal and Stewart McCracken and The Whisker partyThe Sirrel partyBUSINESS SCENECelebrations atCanwick ParkJean Smith, Margaret and Steve Jobling,Shirley Mapleston, Gillian and Paul HolderEast Midlands Business Link www.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk46AUTOLINKThe ultimateChristmas presentFor readers who want the ultimate Christmas present, there are some very tempting executivecars on the market this season. Build quality, comfort and standard equipment are all now betterthan ever. If you spend hours behind the wheel you'll be grateful for the refinement the majorityof these business-oriented saloons offer.Here is our pick of the top ten most popular executive cars.Jaguar XFFew cars feel as exceptional as the Jaguar XF. In a marketconquered by great German makes such as the BMW 5 Seriesand Mercedes E-Class, the Jaguar XF is a seriously differentcompetitor that stands out thanks to its smooth styling andmagnificently distinctive interior. Jaguar moved away from theconventional styling of the S-Type and has instead gone with asharp yet graceful look, giving the Jaguar XF plenty ofpersonality, helped by that big cavernous grille at the front.Audi A6Compared with the former A6, Audi really moved the gameon with the latest model, with better finesse, sharper looks anda more improved interior. It comes with tough enginesincluding the cost-effective 2.0 TDI, while at the top of therange there's the terrific 3.0 BiTDI with more than 300PS.BMW 5 SeriesThe 5 Series still sets the standard for handling in theexecutive motoring market and it's proving as well-liked asever. There's a wide range of engines, including a hybridJaguar XFAudi A6BMW 5 Series48 Áwww.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk East Midlands Business Link 47East Midlands Business Link www.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk48AUTOLINKvariety, but the 520d is in all probabilitythe finest, especially with its notableeconomy figures.Audi A5 SportbackCreating a larger version of the A5Coupe may have seemed a little out of theordinary when Audi unveiled theSportback, but the bigger five-doorhatchback has proved exceptionallypopular thanks to its extra practicality. Itmay not have the rear legroom of the A6but the handsome A5 Sportback comeswith the same amazing engines.Mercedes-Benz E-ClassThe three-pointed star still carries a lotof influence among buyers despiteMercedes-Benz losing its way in the 1990swith general build quality. Thankfully, theGerman automaker remedied this sometime ago and the latest E-Class is utterlysuperb. It feels as solid and dependable asany Mercedes-Benz of old.Lexus GSWith an improved hybrid system and animmeasurably better cabin, the innovativeLexus GS is a big move forward comparedwith its forerunner. There's still no oil-burner and while the entry level GS250doesn't have much pull, the hybridGS450h offers stirring performance withlow emissions and frugal fuelconsumption.Audi A5 SportbackMercedes-Benz E-ClassLexus GSMazda 6www.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk East Midlands Business Link 49Infiniti Q70Infiniti is a relatively fresh brand in the UK but it'saiming to raise its profile in a comparable way to fellowJapanese car maker Lexus. There has already been analliance with the Red Bull F1 team, but it's the quality ofits cars that will eventually make or break the motorfirm. The Q70 is unquestionably a first-rate car andunlike Lexus there's a diesel variant alongside a hybrid.Volvo S80The Volvo S80 is starting to show its advancing yearsnow - hardly unexpected, bearing in mind it has beenon sale since 2006. On the other hand, it still hassizeable appeal for those after a comfortable andrealistically priced executive express. The looks aren'tmuch to write home about, but the cabin is top notchwith a bona fide Scandinavian feel to the design.Peugeot 508This executive-cum-family saloon from Peugeot isadmirable. The four door car has a sturdiness and level ofkit that reflects the aspirations of those who want to, butcan’t quite afford to go for premium motoring marques.For example, the high ranging Peugeot 508 AllureBlueHDi saloon not only looks convincing for business, itwill also serve as an excellent main family car.Mazda 6The new Mazda 6 is a great looker – and one thatperforms very well. But forget all that for a moment –and just look at it. It’s a very fetching car and one youwould probably want your company to put on 2015’sfleet. Seriously, we would be proud to have a Mazda 6sitting in our staff car park. It is a really sleek number –particularly in saloon, rather than touring, guise.AUTOLINKInfiniti Q70Volvo S80Peugeot 508Next >