< Previous East Midlands Business Link www.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT across their supply chain, attract talent and retain employees, reduce energy costs and those associated with the cost of complying with regulation. Furthermore, it reduces reliance on energy and gas provided by foreign powers, who may suddenly turn out to be a lot less reliable than previously believed. As of the writing of this, with energy prices jumping, one can easily see the financial benefits to improving energy efficiency. Switching to a cleaner energy supplier is a good start, but there is also more a company can do to offset and reduce costs without that initial investment. Comparison websites are useful tools here, facilitating the exploration of options and tariff comparison to discover the perfect provider and best deal. Firms might also consider investing in onsite energy generation and battery storage. One of the simplest ways to minimise your footprint and save money though is to reduce energy consumption. Changing to LED lighting, and using motion sensors to automatically turn lights off, as well as switching off appliances, laptops and monitors rather than leaving them on standby can make a huge difference here, and simultaneously reduce energy costs. Just leaving a photocopier on overnight uses energy equivalent to making 5,000 copies. A report from the Green Alliance highlights that UK businesses are wasting £60 million in unnecessary energy bills. To keep track of energy use, digital technology such as smart sensors and algorithms can be used across buildings, and AI energy optimisation systems, according to the Green Alliance, could slash commercial building energy use by fourteen per cent and generate payback within a few months. Sophisticated smart meter reading will allow active management of energy and enable forecasting. In addition, when moving offices businesses should look out for a building’s energy performance ratings. Fortunately, new buildings are primarily being built to high energy efficiency standards (to comply with Net Zero regulations almost certainly) and older buildings are being transformed to comply with the same regulations. Minimising waste, recycling and avoiding landfill as far as possible are also essential to reduce harmful greenhouse gases. Begin by tracing sources of waste and address bad practices like over and unnecessary use of paper. Buy recycled paper, and print and photocopy as little 38-41.qxp_Layout 1 04/05/2022 10:06 Page 3www.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk East Midlands Business Link ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT © stock.adobe.com/WATCH_MEDIA_HOUSE as possible, instead digitising documentation as far as feasible, allowing for online contract signing for instance, and using cloud computing, which also adds convenience in enabling access from various devices from any place at any time. Eradicating emissions from transport within businesses is another aspect to consider, especially where companies dealing in logistics are concerned. Installing a telematics system on a fleet will provide a wealth of data to be used to make fleets more efficient. One might also look to train drivers in ecodriving to save fuel, or invest in fuel efficient vehicles, those powered by alternative fuels or electric vehicles which are usefully exempt from clean air zone charges. © stock.adobe.com/vchalup 38-41.qxp_Layout 1 04/05/2022 10:06 Page 4 East Midlands Business Link www.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk PUBLIC RELATIONS I was discussing the Bricks Awards with Tess from editorial and the wider commercial team at Business Link Magazine this week. I have sponsored them since way back and they are now a fixture in the business calendar. The guys mentioned that there were hundreds of entries last year - not bad considering the pandemic factor! Hundreds! Trust me, this is NOT usual. Why? Well, most small businesses are REALLY BAD at awards and by that I mean they simply do not include them in their planning. Or sometimes, they don’t feel they deserve one. So, there are often not actually that many entries in “proper” awards - the ones you earn… Well, trust me, if you’ve been through this pandemic, there is an award out there for you! However, it became apparent chatting with other businesses this last month that another BIG awards? I suspect the main reason is time. However, you need to consider these as a major part of your marketing and PR campaign, not an afterthought. Sure, there is a bit of science to it and some art (the creative bit) but basically it comes down to reading the criteria CAREFULLY and then making it as easy as possible for the judges to consider your case. Now is NOT the time for florid prose! Although…there is a place for this… (warning, secret sauce alert). Ssssshhhh…it is right at the start… This is the bit the judges read first and tends to be the part they will read out IF you get to the final and you are waiting there, glass of wine in hand, as the names are read out. So, if yours sounds like this: “We were established in 2002 to provide added value services to the Widget industry. Our commitment to SOMETHING or OTHER bland and jargon heavy issue How’s this for an award-winning idea? Greg Simpson, founder of Press for Attention PR and the PR and Communications Ambassador for the IoD in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire, shares award-winning tips. problem is that businesses simply don’t have time or the resources to write them properly. So they either don’t bother or they do it very, VERY late, which invariably leads to stress and frankly, pretty average award submissions. Well, I sit on three awards panels (not including The Bricks) and I write lots of them. I know I read well over 100 entries last year of frankly varying quality. Harsh? Fair? To give you plenty of time this year, I thought I’d share some top tips on how I help my clients to win awards. I hope it is useful for you. For starters, why bother? Well, how about industry recognition? Local, regional, and sometimes national profile? How about a motivated workforce that is proud to be a part of your success? Nevermind the major leverage an award win can give to the rest of your marketing - if you harness the dark arts of PR! So why don’t more people enter 42-43.qxp_Layout 1 04/05/2022 10:44 Page 1www.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk East Midlands Business Link PUBLIC RELATIONS and our inevitable PASSION (because nobody is going to say ‘APATHY’) for innovation is what lies at the heart of our success…” Stop. It. Right. NOW! Can you imagine a judge reading that and thinking “whoa, we’ve got a live one! Let me get a coffee and settle in, there’s gold dust here.” You want this bit to sound like they are about to announce the best thing since sliced bread! Try this: “20 years ago we discovered a problem. Not just a wrinkle. Not an inconvenience. We had unearthed one of the biggest issues to ever face our industry. If it could be overcome (and we thought it could), it would save Widget manufacturers across the globe millions in costs, whilst also massively reducing the impact on our environment. So, we got to work. Two decades on…we did what follows below and it changed EVERYTHING!” Do you see the difference? You’d at least read the next para or two! You actually WANT to know what they did. Like all good marketing, awards are all about storytelling. Our clients see entering awards as part of their wider marketing strategy – they see the ROI. It is a fantastic way to gain objective third-party endorsement (a major goal of PR), great coverage and one of the best ways to foster employee and company relationships. People proudly point to articles in the press and say: “I work there.” Other highly-skilled people start thinking “maybe I should work there?” So, ahead of the Bricks Awards launch, start to think about what other awards you might enter in 2022. They might be local, regional, national or industry based but you can bet that once you integrate them into your marketing, the effects can really make a difference. Start now or get in touch with me and we’ll help you get cracking because I am launching something pretty darn cool this Spring which I think might help a lot of businesses. There’s even an offer! Will I find them for you? Will I write them for you? Well...yes. That’s exactly what I will do and more, so much MORE! Here’s to your success! A former business journalist, Greg Simpson is the author of The Small Business Guide to PR and has been recognised as one of the UK’s top 5 PR consultants, having set up Press for Attention PR in 2008. He has worked for FTSE 100 firms, charities and start-ups and conducted press conferences with Sir Richard Branson and James Caan. His background ensures a deep understanding of every facet of a successful PR campaign – from a journalist’s, client’s, and consultant’s perspective. 42-43.qxp_Layout 1 04/05/2022 10:44 Page 2 East Midlands Business Link www.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk SECURITY cyber security As cyber attacks rise, it is crucial that businesses consider how they can boost their security levels. Shoring up 44-46.qxp_Layout 1 04/05/2022 10:46 Page 1www.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk East Midlands Business Link SECURITY W ith new data revealing that the frequency of cyber attacks is increasing, it is critical that businesses bolster their security standards. Almost one in three businesses (31%) suffering attacks say they now experience breaches or attacks at least once a week, according to the Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2022 report from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). The report also indicates that though the frequency of cyber attacks is rising, the number of businesses experiencing attacks or breaches remains the same as 2021 levels; two in five businesses (39%) reported cyber security breaches or attacks in the last 12 months. However, the findings highlight that enhanced cyber security leads to higher identification of attacks, suggesting that less cyber mature organisations may be underreporting. From the 39% of businesses who identified an attack, phishing attempts (83%) were the most common threat, while around one in five (21%) pinpointed a more sophisticated attack type, including a denial of service, malware, or ransomware attack. Recent high profile cases have reemphasised the threat businesses face, from the ransomware attack hitting KP Snacks’ IT systems to the cyber attack pausing orders at the WH Smith-owned online greeting cards business Funky Pigeon, but smaller businesses too are being increasingly targeted, and fears over Russian hackers scaling up attacks is also on the rise. Indeed, The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is urging businesses to improve security in reaction to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. As more business continues to be completed online and remote working expands, especially in the wake of the pandemic, companies are being asked to place extra focus on cyber security, no matter how big or small they are. The aforementioned survey indicates that firms do see the importance of this with four out of five senior managers (82%) in UK businesses now viewing cyber security as a ‘very high’ or ‘fairly high’ priority, up from 77% in 2021. This is the highest figure seen in any year of the Cyber © stock.adobe.com/Sikov 46 Á 44-46.qxp_Layout 1 04/05/2022 10:46 Page 2 East Midlands Business Link www.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk SECURITY Security Breaches Survey. There is still much work to be done, however, with only around half of businesses acting in the past 12 months to identify cyber security risks, and incident management policy is limited, with just 19% of businesses having a formal incident response plan, and 39% having assigned roles should an event occur. On the contrary, businesses show a reactive approach should breaches happen, with 84% of businesses saying they would inform the board, while 73% would make an assessment of the attack. The Cyber Essentials scheme is a good place to start for businesses needing to shore up their protection. The Government-backed scheme helps to guard organisations, no matter their size, and involves two levels of certification. Cyber Essentials is a self-assessment option showing how to build protection against a variety of common cyber attacks. It teaches businesses how to defend themselves by securing internet connections and devices, controlling access to data, and understanding how to protect against ransomware. Cyber Essentials Plus meanwhile involves a hands-on technical verification being carried out. There are a plethora of benefits to certified cyber security, such as reassuring and demonstrating to customers that your IT, and data held, is secure against cyber attacks, attracting new business with the promise you have cyber security measures in place, gaining a clear picture of an organisation’s cyber security level, and being able to win some government contracts which require Cyber Essentials certification. Outside of this, there is a wealth of advice to be found. This includes simple steps such as ensuring staff use strong passwords, utilising 2-step verification or multi-factor authentication, installing updates, and backing up vital data so an organisation can continue operating even during a cyber incident. Offering further assistance, the NCSC presents ten steps to cyber security. This includes taking a risk-based approach to securing data and systems, ensuring that technology, systems, and information are protected in the most appropriate way, and resources are centred on the things that matter most to a business. Creating awareness, providing training and engaging with staff is also crucial - good security should be formed through collaboration, consider how people work and shouldn’t hinder it, while educated employees are essential to preventing and detecting incidents. Furthermore, designing systems to be able to detect and investigate events is important, and collecting logs is key to understanding how systems are being used and facilitates security monitoring. Where a potential security incident occurs sound logging practices will enable a business to retrospectively look at what has happened and comprehend the impact. Ultimately, actions taken should be proportionate to the threat a firm faces. Cyber security is vital to the resilience of all businesses utilising digital technology, and with the current climate of increased risk, there has never been a more important time to assess and improve protections, with any incident able to have a major impact on an organisation whether that relates to cost, productivity, or reputation. © stock.adobe.com/Song_about_summer 44-46.qxp_Layout 1 04/05/2022 10:46 Page 3www.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk East Midlands Business Link CORPORATE HOSPITALITY W ith the weather warming up and becoming, somewhat, more predictable, corporate events can finally move to the great outdoors. Thus it is now the perfect time to consider organising a summer party - whether for a general gathering, important milestone, or teambuilding. Often a highlight in social calendars, summer © stock.adobe.com/ moodboard 48 Á Summer parties provide a perfect opportunity to entertain clients and show employees they are valued. Summer soirees 47-49.qxp_Layout 1 04/05/2022 10:49 Page 1 East Midlands Business Link www.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk CORPORATE HOSPITALITY parties offer a chance to bring teams together in a relaxed environment, reward staff, and entertain and show appreciation for clients. They break up the year nicely, boost morale, and as another small perk for your company, help in attracting new employees and retaining existing ones. There are a number of approaches to take when putting together a summer party, and what is organised will depend on your audience. The first thought that will likely come to mind is hosting a classic BBQ, which also tends to be inexpensive - renting a location with garden space and hiring caterers. Alternatively why not go “classier” with an old fashioned garden party, with finger sandwiches, tea, croquet and formal wear, or with glasses of fizz and cocktails for more celebratory occasions. One might also consider stepping away from the garden and onto the water with a party boat for an even more memorable experience, which of course is all the better for bolstering your brand. A completely different option meanwhile is to screen a film under the stars. This is great for a staff party, and for smaller teams may simply involve purchasing tickets to an event already taking place, and providing snacks and drinks. The companies behind these events can be contacted directly too for an exclusive viewing, and inflatable screens, projectors, and PA systems can be rented. Summer parties can also be enhanced with team building and healthy competition. A sports day or office olympics is an enjoyable idea and presents a prime opportunity to mix teams from different departments, connecting people who might not have much chance to interact and creating new bonds that will benefit the workplace by strengthening communication, trust and respect, helping people work with one another more efficiently. With this type of event, however, it is key to remember how comfortable employees are with physical activity, and their abilities. Offering similar benefits is a scavenger hunt. Unique, fun, competitive and collaborative, it is sure to be remembered by staff. How to organise the best summer party When planning summer parties there are a plethora of things to consider to ensure their success, and it’s important to plan ahead with plenty of time, as lots of companies are likely to be throwing events during the same period. This will also allow you to start promoting your event early for optimal turnout and buzz. Firstly, decide what you want to achieve with the event and its budget. It may simply be for fun, but knowing your objectives will enable you to assess if it has been a success after. Next up is © stock.adobe.com/ Kzenon 47-49.qxp_Layout 1 04/05/2022 10:49 Page 2CORPORATE HOSPITALITY East Midlands Business Link www.eastmidlandsbusinesslink.co.uk venue choice, something that can have a major impact on a person’s decision to attend an event. Consider your budget, guest numbers, and the image you want to project, as well as what the venue will provide for you. Will you need to bring in your own tables and chairs for example. From rooftops to private gardens, make sure to choose a venue that is easily accessible by guests, near to public transport or with ample parking. It is also worth evaluating whether the venue is one that will inspire attendees to share content on social media and mention it in subsequent conversations, raising the profile of your business. Having your own photographer on site is also wise, for your own social channels following the event. Selecting a theme for your summer party meanwhile can give it more character, like a Hawaiian Luau, and if opting for an open, outdoor space, one may look to incorporate a marquee or tipis, which are particularly good if the event extends through the evening. Music, entertainment and activities will also need to be chosen. From a live band to magicians, to fire dancers and games, there are numerous possibilities, however what is selected should match your company culture and how adventurous your guests are. Moreover, don’t forget about your requirements for AV production solutions, especially if planning to deliver a presentation or speech before kicking the party into gear - will you want screens, speakers, lighting? Your venue may supply these, but if not an external provider will need to be sourced. Food and drink are another important aspect of summer parties, and menus will vary based on budget, group size, type of event and theme. Will you need to provide canapés, a buffet, a sit-down meal, or perhaps food trucks for a unique occasion? Ensure to establish guests’ special dietary requirements to provide alternatives if necessary - it’s no good having a summer barbecue full of beef burgers and sausages if guests don’t eat meat! Offering food is also pertinent if alcoholic drinks are present at your event, alongside plenty of non-alcoholic options, and water. Summer parties present a great opportunity to amuse clients and reward staff, and with endless options for venues and entertainment in the region, creating a memorable event should be easy. © stock.adobe.com/ Photographee.eu 47-49.qxp_Layout 1 04/05/2022 10:49 Page 3Next >